The 20th PASJ Award for Distinguished Services
R&K Company President and CEO, Reichiro Kobana was presented The 20th PASJ Award for Distinguished Services by Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (PASJ). PASJ is an academic organization, which was established in 2004 and became a general incorporated association in April 2024, with the aim of “to promote the advancement and development of accelerator science, accelerator technology, and related fields, thereby contributing to society.”
This award recognizes the delivery and operational record of R&K SSPAs, which haven been delivered to and used at prestigious accelerator facilities both in Japan and overseas, as a contribution to the world of “accelerators.”
R&K will continue to make further efforts to contribute to society through the manufacture of solid-state RF power amplifiers and RF components.
For the award detail, please refer to PASJ website.
Major customers of R&K SSPA
[Within Japan] J-PARC / KEK / QST / SPring-8
[Outside of Japan] Argonne National Laboratory / Brookhaven National Laboratory / Fermilab / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / Rutherford Appleton Laboratory / SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory